A senior social work major from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who is passionate about aiding battered women, ending stigma surrounding rape victims, and switching the perspective of rape prevention from a female burden to a male-focused educational prevention system.
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Blog Posts
The Election & Campus Sexual Assault
My project and the content we have learned throughout the semester in this class all comes to a head and becomes very real, and painful, when applying it to the election and our future president. Title IX is something very important to women in colleges across the country and it …
Have We Taken Back the Night Yet?
Joanne McQueen helped to set up the first “Take Back the Night” march at Miami University through her efforts in the NOW chapter. I found a newspaper clipping that talked about the march and how it was sponsored by the Oxford chapter of NOW. Its goal was to “let …
Sexual Assault at Miami: Then and Now
This week I found something that pertained very directly to my topic for this semester. It was actually something that I found really interesting to read as well. This is a newsletter from the Women’s Resource Center, located in Peabody Hall, at Miami of Ohio. It is stated to be …
Fantastic Feminist
This week while I was scanning my N.O.W. items from 1977-1978, I came across a newspaper clipping that talked about Fantastic Feminist and Joanne McQueen’s feminist items business run out of her home in Oxford, OH. It talks about how she decided to make a Fantastic Feminist superhero-esque response to …
Brothers and Sisters
Recently, while rifling through my scrapbook, I came upon a book cover written by Joanne McQueen. It is entitled, “Interpersonal Relationships with my Brothers: How Brothers Affect Brother and Sister Relationships.” This idea was fascinating to me, as I have a brother of my own. I reflected on my own …
1970s to Now: How Far Have We Really Come?
While sifting through my scrapbook focused largely on the late 70s, early 80s, I am lead to thinking about the political atmosphere at hand here during the late 70s, early 80s. I stumble upon an ad for a brochure that promises to shed light on the rape culture and educate …