A Sociology and Social Justice major with a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies. She is interested in how marginalized groups, including women, are treated in today’s society, particularly in this most recent election.
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The Intersection of Intersectionality
In 1976, The National Organization for Women sent out a newsletter addressing all of the progress they had been able to make in their first 10 years. The NOW president attributed the success of NOW’s involvement in the feminist movement to the 55,000 members in over 650 chapters. She also …
130 Years of Back and Forth
In 1976, NOW sent out a newsletter revealing their progress. The newsletter discussed how women could be barred from little league sports in 1966 and how thanks to the efforts of NOW this was no longer a possibility in 1976. This change was due to the creation of Title IX …
Culture of Sexual Assault, Victim Blaming, and Inequality
Another problem that has plagued our society is that of sexual assault and harassment. This issue has gained an enormous amount of media attention due to a leaked recording of Donald Trump in which he bragged about committing assault. This tape became the evidence several women needed in order to …
The NOW of Now
A hot topic in both 1966 and 2016 has been that of abortion and women’s reproductive rights. The time period between 1966 ad 1976 saw great change with women finally obtaining the right to have control over their own bodies. One might think that that would be the end of …
Equality In The Work Force?
In 1966, women were barely able to enter the work force, and if they were lucky enough to have a job they were secretaries, teachers, or nurses. It was unthinkable for a woman to try and become a police officer or firefighter because they were jobs for men, the thought …